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The political system of Qingcheng

7 States

Qingcheng count 7 states since the end of the Xu dynasty. The first republic established those states based on the ancient duchy. Following the civil war in 1914, those states were reformed to fit better the people and the ressources of each territories. Now, the people of each states elect their leaders every 10 years. Those states can decide a number of laws in their territories, own their own police, a small military forces, and a budget. But still, the central government can decide laws that are superiors to one made by the states.

A president

Elected for life by the leaders of the 7 states. The president, also called "tutor of the nation" run the central government. He manage foreign relations, military, many laws, economics decisions and many details of the everyday life. The actual president is Xiong Enlai, elected after popular demonstration in 2003.

A parliament

The parliament is composed of 120 members elected for 10 years, their elections follow little months after the one of the states leaders. 70 members are elected by the states leaders, as each state leader elect 10 deputies. The people elect 50 deputies. The goal of the parliament is to vote the eventual amendment the president would try to make in the constitution. They also vote for military orders inside the country, and they have a consultative role on new laws.

A justice

The justice is indenpendent from the government. Among all the judges, 7 are choosen randomly, one per state, and must be elected by all the other judges of the country. They then become judges president for 10 years. Their role, with the parliament is the vote or oppose amendment constitution, say if they are anticonstitutionnal or not. They also work to keep the government safe from corruption.

A constitution

The constitution made in 1914 by Zhou Jianhong assure the rights of the Qingchenese people. The freedom of expression, of movement or of assembly. Every individual rights are guarenteed by the constitution, and if the president wants to make an amendment to it, he must go throught the democratic institutions of Qingcheng.

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